Cross Country
Boys’ Tennis
Girls’ Tennis
Boys’ Basketball
Girls’ Basketball
Dance Drill Team
Before a student tries out or begins practice for in any sport or athletic activity, he/she must have an approved physical examination form on file at school. The physical examination must be given during the school year when the sport is held or during the summer months prior to the beginning of the sport.
Athletes, cheerleaders, and drill team members must display sportsmanship at all athletic events.
Athletes, cheerleaders, and drill team members will be required to follow the DISCIPLINARY CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS found in the SMS handbook.
Before a student can participate in an athletic activity, his/her parents must turn in a signed permission form to the school.
If a student makes more than two Fs on a report for a grading period, he/she will not be allowed to participate in any interscholastic contests, games, or competitions until he/she makes all passing grades in a later grading period report.
To participate in games and contests, students must attend practices unless the coach or sponsor excuses the student from practice or the student is not in school on the day of practice due to an excused absence.
If school is cancelled for a day or at the end of the day due to inclement weather, practices and games will also be cancelled.
To participate in an athletic event, the student must have attended school for the entire school day during the school day of the scheduled event. This includes practices.
Athletes are required to ride the athletic bus to and from athletic events unless the parent provides the coach or sponsor with a written signed statement that the parent will be taking the student to and/or from the athletic event.
Only the athletes or participants and their coaches or sponsors are allowed to rid the athletic bus. Other students, fans, and parents will not be allowed to ride the bus due to liability.
The athlete is responsible for washing and keeping his/her uniform neat and clean. No bleach should be used on the uniforms. The uniforms should be washed according to directions.
School uniforms are to be worn during athletic contests only and not during practices. If the school paid for the uniforms, they will have to be returned to the school at the last event of the respective sport.
No food or drink will be allowed on athletic buses.
Athletes are expected to follow the bus rules that are posted on each bus.
Only players dressed in uniforms will be allowed on the floor or field to shoot or participate.
In addition to the above stated rules, it is to be remembered that extracurricular activities are considered privileges, and students involved in any extra-curricular programs may lose opportunities to participate if their conduct warrants it. The principal will always have discretion to suspend or not to suspend students’ rights to participate in extra-curricular activities due to discipline. However, the following step process will generally be used. For the use of this policy, “Offense” may be defined as any discipline referral resulting in detention, in-school study, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion.
1st Offense-1 day suspension from practice
2nd Offense- suspension from part of 1 game
3rd Offense- suspension from an entire game
4th Offense- suspension from 3 games
5th offense- removal from the team