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Dear Students, Parents, Teachers, Staff, and Community Members,
As a lifelong educator, I would like to express my excitement to each of you as I begin the principalship at Carlisle Elementary and Middle School! I have appreciated the strong community feeling that I have enjoyed while attending sporting events and the math bowl competition at Carlisle. I have seen for myself the Indian Pride and the One Town, One School, One Family motto.
I would like to welcome all teachers, students, staff, and volunteers to the start of the 2023/2024 school year! I look forward to meeting all of you and learning all of the student’s names. I know that all stakeholders are committed to helping students strive for their best academic, social, and emotional needs.
The Carlisle Student/Parent Handbook contains necessary information to allow every student to have success while a student at Carlisle and is a valuable resource to the educational process. PLease review the information in this handbook. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safety and well being of each child. Please contact a staff member or myself if you have any questions. I am looking forward to an amazing year at Carlisle Elementary and Middle School!
Scott A. Staggs, Principal
Carlisle Elementary/ Middle School