Free/Reduced Lunch Application Graphic

The federal government has discontinued free breakfast and lunch for all students beginning this is school year unless they qualify based on parent/guardian income as in pre-COVID years. We highly encourage everyone to complete the Free/Reduced Application to make sure your child doesn't miss out on this opportunity. There are additional benefits for the school corporation based on the number of free/reduced lunch students including yearly Title I grant funding and other grant opportunities. Should you not qualify, lunches and breakfast will continue to be available to all students at the following costs:

*Breakfast ($2.20)
*Lunch ($2.85)

Follow the steps below to apply:

*Log into your harmony family access:
*Scroll down below Grades, Report Card, Attendance, Discipline, Homework, etc.
*Above Bus Information there is a link to the F/R lunch application.

If you have any questions or need further assistance please contact the office or email