2023 USDA Summer Food Program
April 21, 2023
SWSC Parents and Guardians:
The guidelines for the 2023 USDA Summer Food Program have changed and no longer allows for meals to be distributed in a grab and go format. Due to this change Southwest School Corporation will not be offering a summer food program.
The information below provides parents and guardians with other summer food options.
USDA meal programs for children operate all summer! To find the nearest summer meal site, call 211 or text ‘Summer Meals’ (English) or ‘Verano’ (Spanish) to 914-342-7744. Households in need of assistance any time of the year can call the USDA National Hunger Hotline at 866-3-HUNGRY to speak with a representative who will find resources, such as summer meal sites, food banks, and other nearby social services.