Today’s Date : Thursday, May 2nd  

Every day is a HOLIDAY! Today is: National Day of Prayer Day 

Random Fact:Pigs can’t look up into the sky.

Thought of the day:“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” – Paul Coelho

Joke of the day:What do you call a military member who loves to cook? A grill sergeant!

Sports Awards Banquet May 2nd 5:30PM Please bring a side dish.. 

$1 Hat/ $1 PJ Day tomorrow!!!! 

Middle School Spring Dance Saturday May 4th 6-8PM 

Talent Show May 10th PTO Dinner 5PM Show 6PM 

Summer Camp Salvation Army Ages 6-17… find more information at the website 

15 Schools Day till SUMMER BREAK!

Lunch Menu 4/29-5/3

Wednesday-Chicken Patty Sandwich, Chicken Alfredo, Chef’s Choice Sub

Thursday- Popcorn Chicken, Corn Dog, Strawberry Yogurt Cup

Friday- Pepperoni Pizza, Cheese Pizza, Chef’s Choice Sub 


GET YOUR BIRTHDAY GRAMS!!  There are 2 options you can choose from. Please see Breanna Allen or Stephanie Snow with any questions… 812-398-3851 

 1. $5 gram = balloon, card, and choice of M&M’s, Skittles, or KitKat 

2. $20 party = hostess cakes and juice boxes for class, and bday gram, balloon, and choice of candy for students.